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General Terms and Conditions for Equipment and Manpower Rental

1. Introduction

These General Terms and Conditions ("Terms") govern the rental of equipment and provision of manpower services by Ersaa Integrated Services ("EIS", "we", "us") to the Customer ("you"). By renting equipment or hiring manpower from us, you agree to these Terms.

2. Rental Period

The rental period starts from the date the equipment or crew leaves our facility and ends when they return to our facility upon demobilization. Rental charges will start from the day the equipment/crew leaves our facility and will stop upon their arrival back at our facility.

3. Rental Charges

Rental charges are calculated based on the duration of the rental period. Invoices will be submitted every 15 days. A 5% VAT will be applicable on the total amount. Payments are due immediately upon invoice submission unless otherwise stated in the quotation. Payments can only be made via bank transfer or cheque in favor of "Ersaa Integrated Services."

4. Customer Responsibilities

  • Food & Accommodation: The Customer is responsible for providing food and accommodation for the crew.

  • Medical Assistance: The Customer must provide medical assistance for all working crew members at the work premises.

  • Special PPE: The provision of any special Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required for the crew is the Customer's responsibility.

  • Transportation: The Customer is responsible for the mobilization/demobilization, transportation, loading, and unloading of equipment from the EIS workshop to the site and vice versa.

  • Consumables: The Customer must supply consumables such as diesel for compressors and thinner for cleaning painting machines.

5. Working Hours

The working hours per day for both manpower and equipment will not exceed 10 hours. If work involves night shifts, a rate of 125% will be applicable.

6. Security Deposit

A security cheque for 1000 OMR per equipment must be submitted prior to mobilization. This cheque will be returned upon successful demobilization of the equipment.

7. Damage and Liability

  • Damage Clause: All machines are supplied in good and working condition. Any damages or wear and tear due to misuse will be the responsibility of the Customer, and a penalty will be charged as per the damage.

  • Operational Damage: In case of any damages during operation, the Customer is liable for replacement costs or applicable charges.

  • No Penalty for Delays: EIS is not liable to pay any penalties due to delays in work or operational guarantees.

8. Scope of Work

  • Quoted Work Only: EIS will perform only the work mentioned in the quotation. Any additional work which is not quoted, for example, scaffolding, manlift for height work, lifting, shifting, or any other task will be the Customer's responsibility.

  • No Operational Guarantee: EIS does not provide an operational guarantee on rental quotations.

9. Reporting and Documentation

  • Work Accomplishment Report: A work accomplishment report must be acknowledged immediately upon job completion.

  • LPO and Approval: A Local Purchase Order (LPO) should be issued prior to mobilization.

  • Timesheet: Timesheet should be signed regularly.

10. Non-Usage of Equipment and Manpower

If the equipment or manpower is not used for any reason by the Customer, the Customer must notify EIS in writing with valid reasons. Charges will continue to apply as per the quotation until EIS provides written consent for a waiver of charges.

11. Continued Charges

We will continue charging the Customer as per the quotation until the demobilization of our crew and machines, even if our crew or machines are not being used for whatever reasons, unless the Customer has prior written approval from us.

12. Indemnification

The Customer agrees to indemnify and hold EIS harmless from any claims, liabilities, damages, and expenses (including attorney's fees) arising from the Customer's use of the equipment or manpower services.

13. Termination

We reserve the right to terminate the rental arrangement at any time if the Customer fails to comply with any of these Terms. Upon termination, the Customer must return the equipment immediately.

14. Governing Law

These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Sultanate of Oman.

15. Entirety of Terms

These Terms constitute the complete and exclusive statement of the terms and conditions regarding the rental of equipment and provision of manpower services. Any prior agreements, oral or written, and any other communications between the parties are superseded by these Terms.

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